Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hot Hot Weekend! was such a hot weekend. Was perspiring non stop...Daddy went off to work in Hong Kong on Sunday, so mummy and por por looked after me. Mummy brought me to Eastpoint to look at the bunnies, hamsters, fish and puppies. I love looking at the fish! Then mummy bought me a bowling set to play at home. So excited about that.

Another favourite cartoon of mine is Dora the I can know a few words in spanish and can also count to 5 in spanish :). Mummy is always so excited when I count in spanish :)

Will be staying with mummy and por por this happy :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Another night with mummy

Yeah! Went home again on tuesday. Went to Ikea to have dinner with mummy and daddy, ate my favourite meatballs and pasta. Was looking for the rocking horse which was in a model house but couldnt find it....finally saw it at the children's happy, rocked and rocked myself :) Daddy bought me a nice comforter. I wish daddy would buy me the play tent too....

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Wonderful Weekend

The weekend came and went so fast....went home to stay with mummy and daddy. I couldnt sleep on the 1st night cos the cars on the road was so noisy. Tossed and turned the whole night...poor mummy also didnt sleep well cos I kept calling her when I woke up.

Went to Kindermusik on saturday. It was quite enjoyable as there was alot of singing, dancing and playing with the various musical instruments. I hope mummy brings me there again next week. Daddy bought me a mickey mouse balloon too..:) We had yummy pasta for favourite!

On sunday we went to taka cos daddy wanted to see something there. Daddy took another balloon for me :)

Will be a short post today as Im soooo sleepy....nitez

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tinkle bell and bubbles mummy and daddy surprised me with bubbles! yes bubbles! daddy came home from work and showed me this bottle..and immediately i knew that it was to blow bubbles. I was so excited trying to catch the bubbles....but I also wanted to help daddy blow the bubbles...but mummy said once I'm older, then I can help. :(

Another thing I love is tinklebell and mickey mouse clubhouse magazines. Mummy would always get the latest copy for me to see.I love flipping the pages...i know all the characters from the tinklebell magazine.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My 2nd Birthday

Such a nice birthday cake. Mummy spent hours searching for a nice pink cake for me :)

Me and daddy....we are both wearing pink!

My family......:)

Trip to the Zoo

It was so hot at the taking a break and hiding in the shade...

Me and mummy....

My favourite animal for the day....the elephant


Hi I've finally starting blogging again...after so long....changed my address though...I will try to update daily....if not every few I will be blogging quite alot cos there are so many things to catch up on.

Since the last time I blogged I've grown up so much....i am now 31 months....and 11kg...and I have HAIR!!!! i was getting really worried when my hair was still standing on ends the last time. I can count to 20 in both English and Mandarin...I can also recognise numbers :). My mummy is always so excited when I read the numbers from passing buses. I love to make her squeal in delight by always spotting numbers and saying it out loud!

Here are a few things that I love doing :

1) I love to sing...twinkle twinkle little stars, Row Row Row the boat, Abba songs(cos my por por has that in her hp and she always lets me listen to it...) most of the nursery mummy loves to sing songs to me since I was a baby...

2) I love to dance to music...

3) I love to watch all kinds of cartoon...mickey mouse clubhouse is my favourite, Mummy please get daddy to subscribe to Playhouse disney channel at home.

4) I love to eat cheese...

5) I love pink clothes and shoes :), My daddy always ask my mummy "Why must mea always dress in pink?". Its my mummy's favourite colour also :)

6) I love to give kisses to my daddy and mummy.

7) I love Dora and Barney books

8) I love to eat pasta....

9) I love to have my mummy and daddy read to me before bedtime.

10) I love Balloons! (Thank you mummy and daddy for buying so many balloons for me :))

Many things to update you since the last time...

Mummy and daddy enrolled me in a childcare at the end of March....didnt like it at all! Mummy couldnt stay with me so I was very scared. The teachers were quite nice...but I just wanted my mummy. I had fleeting glimps of mummy when she was peeping through the window...which made me want to see her even more! I fell sick quite often when I was in school. It was terrible when i had viral fever for 5 days...poor mummy had to stay up to sponge me for 5 days. I had nightmares everynight as I was so scared of going to school.

Every morning I would scream and cry in the hope that mummy would not take me to school. I could see the sadness in mummy's face when I was screaming and crying...I guess she could not bear to see me like this but she knew that going to school was good for me.

However, after about 1 month, mummy stopped bringing me to school. Boy was I happy! I keep asking mummy everyday " tomorrow no school?" and mummy would say no. :)

I am going to have my lunch now..will update again tomorrow....:)