Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Daddy is home!

Yeah daddy is home! when i saw daddy and mummy on monday i screamed "hello mummy, hello daddy!" daddy travels alot for work and I always miss him when he goes away. Now that daddy is home....am so happy :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Havent been updating for so long......

I love my music class....we get to try out many musical instruments every week. The teacher is so nice...the best part is at the end of the class when the teacher chops different animals on our hands and feet...hehe

Daddy is away again...i miss him.....

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ring a ring a roses

Yeah mummy bought me a teddy bear ring! So now I have a ring on my finger just like mummy. At first mummy didnt want to buy because it was a little too big for me. But after much persuasion :) she bought. Hee....Daddy went to fill gas into my mickey mouse balloon. I wanted to buy a blue balloon but mummy said another time.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Finally mummy's internet is up. The modem has been spoilt since sunday night....finally had it changed today. Mummy bought me a new pair of shoes! yeah its so pretty and pink!

Por por also bought me 4 fish...i like fish...:)

Friday, June 5, 2009

A new kakat

When I went to nai nai's house, there was a new Kakat. She is so smiley and friendly. I like playing with her.

Daddy went to China for business, so its me and mummy alone again. Mummy blew bubbles for me yesterday. I was so excited! I love running around trying to catch the bubbles. Then we went to the playground opposite nai nai's house. Mummy likes to bring me there as it is quite empty and has many slides for me to play with.

Dadddy came home yesterday but will only see him today. I miss him and am excited to see him.