Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Making cards

Yesterday mummy and me made a Teachers' Day card for Teacher Yim Cheng at my music class. Mummy wrote the words and i decorated it with drawings and colours :).Then we decided to make cards for everyone. Daddy,Por Por, Kong Kong and even Jiu Jiu. When daddy came home i gave him the card and he was so happy :) He is going to paste it at home.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Poor mummy hurt her back on sunday. Mummy was changing in the closet when suddenly i heard her yell "ouch my back". Daddy was sleeping so i told daddy "mummy pain". Mummy had to sit on the floor for a few minutes before she could stand up. Mummy was so brave..she endured the pain so we still went to taka to see my toys and had jap lunch. Mummy cant carry me for the time being.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sorry all, havent been updating in such a long time. I caught a cold last wednesday and now im still having the cold....Mummy is having a cold too :(

Daddy's brother and family came over to nai nai's house yesterday and I played with them...tai gor is so frenly.