Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Family Portrait

This is one of the pictures that was taken during the studio photoshoot. The photographer made us do silly poses..and tried her hardest to make me smile. Was quite nervous during the shoot so I looked kind of dazed in all of them.Mummy choose the colour combination for the shoots :)its our fave colour pink!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Its looking hazy outside now...suppose to go to the beach with mummy and daddy...hope the weather clears...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mummy and daddy brought me to the docter on saturday to check out the rash on my lower left cheek.Docter said it was eczema. Must keep that area well moisturized to prevent it from itching. Mummy was so worried also. I also had an abrasion on my lower region. Docter gave me some cream to apply.

We went to suntec yesterday cos daddy wanted to go to the Comex exhibition. We went to feed the fish after daddy was done :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Daddy has gone overseas again :(. Mummy brought me to the petshop at eastpoint yesterday. I love seeing the animals there...I ate my fave spongecake too. Had a little bump in the head last night too, I was playing on nai nai's bed and tumbled back hitting my head on the wall ...ouchy :(

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Model for the day

Mummy and daddy brought me to take studio pictures today. We went to eat a quick lunch before that.I was abit scared of the jie jie who was taking the pictures. And couldnt help blinking alot cos of the flash from the camera. Was trying to smile..but couldnt as I was shy. We did alot of funny poses which was fun!

Mummy and Daddy choose alot of extra pictures as the package they paid for only came with 5 pictures.Mummy will be framing up all the pictures that we took today :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mummy told me that day that we were going to the studio to take family pictures. Mummy spent alot of time deciding what the colours for our outfits were going to be. In the end she choose, pink and Grey. Mummy bought me a new top to wear to the studio. Daddy actually signed up for this package in 2007, and decided to take the pictures when I turn 3. Mummy was trying to teach me how to do the peace sign with my fingers but i somehow cant do it.haha.

Will update soon about tomorrow :)