Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why cant I poo?

Yest was the 3rd day that i couldnt poo. Mummy gave me a suppository to help me to poo. The pharmacist advised that this particular suppository was safe for children and that it could be given once every 2-3 weeks if i cant poo for more than 3 days. Mummy tried making me sit on the potty to poo, when that did not work she asked me to stand and try to poo. That didnt work too :(

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Went to Auntie Shani's new house on sunday. Wow her house is so nice with lots of toys (she has 3 children, Yvette,Nycole and Nygel. I love Jie Jie Yvette's room. I asked mummy to decorate my room just like her's...a princess room.:) I was abit scared to go into the house at first because its my 1st time there..but after awhile...i warmed up and played with Jie Jie..:)

Im still having constipation after 2 weeks of taking the stool softener. The doctor said to continue to take the meds and also to make me squat when pooing. mummy has been trying to make me go on the potty but i refused. Im not used to it yet :(

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Been having constipation for the past couple of weeks. Mummy brought me to the doctor and he said that I have to eat fruits 3 times a day and lots of vegetables. He gave me some stool softener to take for a few weeks. Hopefully my poo softens and i dont have to take the medicine anymore. :(

Mummy baked cookies for the 1st time! It tasted quite yummy for her 1st try. She will try to bake cheesecake next :)