Monday, November 23, 2009

Had such a great weekend with mummy and daddy....i was a good girl too cos i poo everyday :)

mummy cooked pasta for me on saturday and it was so yummy:) I love pasta so much..was so happy that i get to stay with mummy and daddy for the whole weekend:)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Daddy is home!!! missed him so much as he was away for 2 whole weeks. We went to class as usual on saturday. Then on sunday daddy brought me to go feed the fish at suntec... i love to feed the fish :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Had fun this weekend with mummy and por por...por por followed us to class on saturday. We had japanese food before class...i love tereyaki chicken :). I fell asleep in the car on the way home..but once we got to por por's house i was awake and didnt want to go back to sleep.

On sunday we spent the day at home in por por's house.Because mummy was trying to make me poo as i didnt poo on saturday. I threw a tantrum on the way back to nai nai's house:(. Mummy was so happy when i finally pooed at night :)

Nite nite mummy and daddy.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Yeah I managed to poo poo in the potty yesterday again! mummy was so proud of me. Now I dont wear diapers during the day time..when i want to pee pee...i will just go to the potty and pee :).However i still wear diapers during naptimes.

I miss daddy....

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Daddy is off to china for 2 weeks again....:(. Goodnews is that I have been pooing everyday. Have been drinking prune juice and eating papaya..

Mummy is going to visit this new childcare centre today to see if its suitable. Daddy and mummy says that i have to go to school after cny next March :(