Monday, December 28, 2009

Had a fantastic Christmas with the whole family. Went to eat buffet on Christmas day but i didnt like the food so didnt eat much. I liked the ice cream and cookies though :). Mummy and Daddy brought me to see the lights on Orchard many lights and it was so colourful.

Daddy is off to Hk for work this week again :(

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Mummy and Daddy just registered me for school yesterday...Will be starting school on 1st excited yet scared. I was less afraid when mummy said that she will be able to come in with me for a few days.

Christmas is excited. I have many presents under the Christmas tree! We are going for a buffet lunch then off to see my great grandmother.

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Daddy finally came home after 2 weeks away...again. Had a great time with mummy and daddy over the weekend. Although it was doing normal things like going to class,buying food and going shopping. At least I was able to spend time with daddy also.

Yesterday was daddy's birthyday...Mummy bought a nice cookies and cream cake for daddy. We sang 'Happy birthday' to daddy and I helped him to blow out the candle :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Daddy is off China for 2 weeks again :(. Mummy has to hold the fort and look after me. Havent been able to poo for the past 2 days again:( , mummy says she will have to use the suppository if i still cant poo today :(