Thursday, January 21, 2010

Have not been feeling well since tuesday:( have fever and sorethroat..having phelgm also. Mummy brought me to see the doctor on tuesday afternoon. It was not the usual doctor but had no choice as mummy didnt want to wait till wed.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Had a fantastic weekend staying at Por Por's house. Daddy is in China again so mummy stayed over too. Mummy bought me many things like new croc shoes for school, small little dog soft toy.

Going to school in 2 weeks time....scared and nervous.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Daddy and mummy was away for a few days last week....they went to Thailand...missed them alot...they bought me alot of clothes and toys when they got back...was so happy.

Mummy bought me a Strawberry shortcake doll smells like strawberries :)

We went to see a new dance studio that teaches Ballet jazz...i love the huge windows in the studio..haha...mummy says she wants to sign me up for it....and i also get to wear the pretty pink leotard.:)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year! Heloo 2010

Had a fantastic new year! Went for Dimsum buffet with Mummy,daddy,porpor,kong kong,jiu jiu and aunti charlene. I ate alot cos the food was so yummy. Went for class today and was so happy to see my friends as we didnt have class last week :)

What's my new year spend more time with daddy and mummy,to have good health and to like my new school :)