Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I was a good girl yesterday...i didnt cry when mummy brought me to school. I even walked up the stairs to class myself without crying :) But when mummy was about to leave, i cried :(

There is a case of HFMD in my class. so i will miss school for a few days just in case.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Had a fantastic weekend with mummy and por por. I was trying to poo on sat night but cant poo...mummy tried to put suppository in my bum but it kept falling the end i slept on mummy's tummy cos my bum was pain from kekking for so long :(

I managed to poo the next day and mummy promised to buy me a toy for being a good girl:)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Back at school for 3 days since i got sick 2 weeks ago...cried when mummy brought me to school as usual :P

There is no school tomorrow as teacher told mummy there was an excursion to the farm last minute and mummy thought since I have not recovered fully, its better I dont go to the farm. Yeah for no school :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

No school for a few days as I'm having flu,cough and sorethroat. Mummy and kong kong brought me to the doc on Monday and doc said to avoid school for a few days.

Daddy will be away from tomorrow onwards for 2 and a half weeks. i will miss him alot.