Monday, May 31, 2010

It was my last music lesson on saturday. I enjoyed this class but its getting abit boring for me.Mummy is finding a different class for me to join next week:)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Daddy came home already! yeah! was so happy to see him. Finally we can go out as a family again...really miss that.

Daddy picked me up from school on Mon and Tue :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Beginning to like school now :) Mummy is so proud of me!

Mummy bought me a doctor's kit to play with. And im loving it! Everynight I will do a check up for all my soft toys to make sure that they are feeling fine:)

Daddy is coming home soon :) yeah i miss him alot.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

This week has been a good week at school:) Mummy is so proud of me because i can now wave bye bye to her and go into school without crying:).

That boy has still been disturbing me but not I can say "Stop Matthew!"

Teacher told mummy that i can now colour within the boundary somewhat, a huge improvement from last time. And i also have more control of my hands when i am trying to write :)

Oh another exciting thing happened in school....i made a "mothers' day" card for mummy in both chinese and english. The chinese version is made out of a yacult bottle and i decorated it to look like mummy:). The english version is a card where I drew mummy's face :). I was so excited to give it to mummy and she was so happy to receive it

Monday, May 10, 2010

Had a great sunday celebrating Mother's day with Mummy,daddy,por por and the rest of the family having lunch at Conrad hotel's dim sum.

I didint cry at school today! Mummy was so prpoud of me :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wearing my pretty uniform dress to school:)

A boy from K1 has been taking alot of interest in me since i joined and its unnerving me. He brushed his hand on my face twice and mummy witnessed it and was so angry. Teacher told the mummy of the boy and the mummy was very sorry. Mummy told the teacher to keep the boy away from me. I'm quite scared of the boy as he keeps coming towards me.

Im beginning to enjoy school. I dont cry when mummy sends me to school,only when mummy has to go then I will cry abit.