Monday, June 28, 2010

Having runny nose over the weekend so I didnt go to school today. I also developed a cough:( Nonetheless, i had a great weekend with mummy and daddy.

Mummy said that i was a good girl cos when i wanted to eat cheese and drink yacult, mummy said no until i got better and i listened to her without making a fuss :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Its been a good week!

Mummy called up the principal to report that Matthew scratched my finger. so now the playground time has been changed to later and my class will have outdoor alone and the K1 and K2 will have outdoor time with the younger kids. Im happy bcos i wont get to see that boy and he wont be scaring me during that time anymore:)

Mummy and daddy went for PTC this week. Teacher said I have improved in school alot...however my confidence is still not high...can be improved with time :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Last friday that bully squeezed my shoulders! He is getting on my nerves! Mummy wanted to complain to the principal again but decided against it. Daddy wants to talk to th e parents of the boy if the boy continues to haress me.

Today we finally had waterplay in school. I loved to play with the hose and also i layed down in the pool and my frens stepped on my feet! It was fun :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

An unwelcomed Kiss from a bully!

Yesterday that horrid boy matthew kissed me on the cheek! The chinese and english teacher was not around so a relief teacher was looking after the class. I told mummy about it in the car and she was so angry.

She went to talk to the Principal about it. Daddy was furious also.