Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Excursion time!

Today I had my first excursion to the Botanic Gardens with my schoolmates. Mummy went with me. It was also my first time on a big bus.

Mummy made sure i was sprayed all over with mosquitoe repellant.

First we went to the maze and then we went on the shaky bridge, i was quite scared,luckily mummy was holding on to me tightly.

Then we went on this huge playground. I climbed up the stairs myself and slide down the big slide all by myself! mummy was so proud.

Then we had a picnic under this big shelter and ate hotdog buns,cheese and grapes.

It was such a fun time at the gardens:)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Went to daddy's cousin's wedding on sat. All the photographers there were busy snapping away at me cos i looked so pretty in my white dress.

Mummy signed me up for a new ballet class in suntec, Jody Marshall dance studio. I like this class better as we learn proper ballet steps. the teacher showed us some steps and i was so excited to go first. mummy was so proud of me as i didnt cry when i went in alone :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Went to my great grandma's birthday on sat. This was the first time that i was out so late. Went home at 12.30am. I was still quite awake and didnt sleep in the car. It was quite fun as i got to eat delicious food and saw an acapella performance :)

The ballet centre didnt call us to inform us that the class was cancelled, so i was all dressed up in my tutu and went there. Mummy got so angry with the girl there as they didnt even inform us.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Went for the trial ballet class at siglap on sun. Mummy went in with me. I enjoyed the class so mummy signed me up for it. I want to wear the pretty pink costume too so mummy will be buying those for me.

I cried when mummy was leaving school today :( think its the monday blues.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mummy has been searching for enrichment classes for me to attend. She is considering phonics, chinese and ballet. Will be going for ballet trial class tomorrow. Im so excited because i want to be able to dance just like Angelina Ballerina!:)

Mummy has been teaching me the various positions for ballet. I know the 1st position, 2nd position...and also how to pirouette :)