Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Nai nai went for holiday in China for 10 days, so i stayed with mummy and daddy. had a blast with them. everynight mummy will read books to me and daddy will teach me some educational computer games.

After school mummy would buy me yummy snacks to eat before nap time. My fave is the japanese meatballs.Mummy cooked dinner for me everyday and i loved eating her food pasta, meesua, yummy corn soup.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Spent 3 whole days in por por's house because it was national Day on monday. We didnt go out much except for lunch with jui jui on sunday. We had Dimsum and i loved the food! yummy!

Daddy is coming home tonight and im very excited cos i miss him very much :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

I have this new obssession with the picture of me dressed in cinderella costume. I must look at it everyday together with my Princess magazine. I will ask mummy and daddy which costume I like along with which accessory. :)

Went to tampines with por por and mummy on saturday. We had lunch at Soup resturant. the food there is very yummy :)

Daddy bought me a new scooter! I wanted the pink colour but it was sold out so I choose the orange one. Im abit unsteady on it but soon I will be a pro and be zipping around:)