Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oh no im having a cold again! mummy is going to bring me to the doctor tomorrow :(

Monday, October 18, 2010

Daddy bought me a cradle for my baby on saturday! so happy!!!

We went for Por por's bday dinner on Sunday. the food was very yummy:)

Mummy went to buy some thermal wear for me for Perth..just in case it gets cold.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pre Birthday Celebration

Went for my pre birthday celebration with Por Por,Kong Kong, Jui Jui, Auntie Charlene and Mummy and Daddy. We went to eat dim sum buffet after my ballet class. I had soo many presents, playdough cake making set, sticker making set and a Hello Kitty rice cooker play set! sooo exited and happy!

Daddy play the playdough with me and taught me how to use it while mummy looked on as she didnt want to get her hands dirty.

Im still having a cold...hope i will recover soon :(

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mummy took me to the doctor today as im still having cold since 20th Sept. The doctor gave me a new cold meds to take and said if by Monday im still having cold, he will give me antibiotics.

Why oh why havent i recovered yet!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Childrens' Day!

We were allowed to wear our party clothes to school today as it was childrens' day. I choose the dress myself and Teacher Marlissa said i was very pretty :) We had a party and the teachers' bought snacks and goodies for us to bring home. I had a great time!

Daddy is off to China today...back on sunday.:(