Monday, November 15, 2010


We went to Perth from 4th-9th November. I had so much fun!

4th- Thursday
Mummy woke me up at 6am so that i could be ready to leave by 6.45am. When she said "Meagan wake up, time to take the aeroplane" I jumped out of bed cos i was so excited. We had breakfast at the airport as our plane was at 9am. I kept asking mummy if we were going on the plane. Finally we boarded the plane and it was so exciting. I got my own seat on the plane. The journey took 5.5 hours. I got a nice goody bag on the plane to keep me occupied. I could watch as many cartoons as i wanted on my personalised tv. I even managed to sleep for 1.5 hours. Mummy was relieved as this was when she could have some quiet time and watch some movies.

We reached perth around 2.30pm and we took a cab to our service apt. The apt was so nice, it had a bedroom,kitchen and living room. I was happy running around. After putting our luggage down, we walked around the city forawhile. We got tired and decided to buy some groceries and dinner and head back to the hotel to rest. I had chinese food bought from a cafe next to the hotel.

5th- Friday
We lef t the hotel about 9.30am to catch the free bus to collect our rental car. We had to walk quite far to the busstop. The car was nice and big. The daddy drove us to the Swan Valley Cuddley Farm. I touched the guinea pigs, fed them too. I could also feed the chickens, lamas,horses and cows. I also bottle fed the baby lambs, they were so hungry.

After the farm we went to Black swan cafe to eat. It was beautiful as the resturant faced the vineyards.Then we went to the Mondo Nougart Factory and Margaret River Chocolate Factory. Mummy bought lots to give to Kong kong and for daddy. i was so tired that i fell asleep in the car on the way home.We had dinner at the food court in the city.

Today we went to Kings' Park in the morning to play in Synergy Playground. I was so happy running around with Daddy. We had lunch at the cafe there, i had yummy eggs and bread.

Then we went to Harbourtown Shopping centre, where mummy bought lots of clothes for me and herself.

Ater that we went to Westfield Carousel shopping centre. And it was HUGE! by this time i was pretty tired so i was abit grouchy.For dinner we had japanese food.Yummy.

We went to Fremantle market today. Not much to see at the markets, mummy brought some fruits.It is a little town near to the sea and its a fishing port. We had lunch at Khailis fish and chips. i love french fries!:). Then daddy drove to Caversham Wildlife park. I got to feed the kangaroos and even pat them. Most of them were sleeping and didnt look interested. I saw how sheep were sheared and also took pictures with a huge wombat:) We went to take pictures of koala bears. They were clinging onto the eucalyptus plant.

We went to Northbridge, which is chinatown to have yummy dinner.

Today we went back to Westfield Carousel to do some shopping. Before that we dropped by Kings' Park again and played there for awhile. Then to the city for some last minute shopping. Daddy bought lots of soft toys for me. i got a kangaroo, koala bear, wombat,platapus,lamb and a unicorn. Im so happy:)

Today we are going back to singapore. We left for the airport at 10am. We had lunch at the airport. I had mummy's favourite food and Red Rooster :) The it was time to board the plane. Due to the volcanic ash that was from the volcano eruption in Indonesia, the plane had to detour to darwin, thus it took an extra 2 hours to get to singapore. By time we reached back it was already 8pm.

I want to go back to Perth as i already miss it.:)

Monday, November 1, 2010

We are going Australia in 3 days time! yipeeeeee!!!!!!