Monday, January 31, 2011

Kong Kong's 70th Birthday!

Kong kong celebrated his 70th birthday on sunday. We went to peach blossom in marina mandarin. Mummy also choose his chocolate birthday cake which he loved. Daddy also compiled a digital photo album of me for him:) For his present mummy booked the Festive hotel at RWS and also the Voyage de la vie show.

I had alot of fun because i could walk around the hotel so i didnt get bored:)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Today i didnt cry in school! mummy asked me to make a card for Ms Marlissa and Guo Lao shi and give it to them today...think she was trying to distract me from the thought of crying..and it worked! she was sooo happy with me.

The last 2 days i have been crying when i went to school:(

Now im officially able to poo poo in the potty! everyone is sooooo proud of me :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Yesterday night mummy told me to sit on the potty and poo..and i did! This morning i also did it in the potty. Mummy is very proud of me! Im a big girl now.

However, when mummy sent me to school today, i cried :( its been like this for the past few weeks. I will try not to cry tomorrow:(

Monday, January 17, 2011

Poo in potty!

Poo in potty!!!! for the 1st time on friday. Mummy was sooo happy with me. Then from fri i kept wanting to poo in potty...pooed 2 times a day.

I caught a cold and cough on tues..mummy brought me to see the doctor on thurs as my voice was hoarse and she was afraid that it was a sore throat..but luckily the doctor said its just the voice box cos of coughing.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!2011

We had dinner at por por house on new year's eve. She cooked chicken curry and meatball soup. I love eating her meatball soup...yummy!

On new year's day we had dim sum buffet lunch at Marina Mandarin. I love going there cos i like looking at the birds hanging in cages outside the resturant.