Monday, October 24, 2011

Fell Sick again

Thank goodness I'm getting better.was down with fever,cough and cold for the past week from 19 oct-24 oct.

Fever started on 19th,and broke on cough got worse after that and on.I kept waking up to cough and cried cos I was scared. On. Sunday it was so bad that I woke up coughing and crying and couldn't breathe and was gasping for breathe.mummy said my mouth turned blue and she got so scared. Mummy has been getting up to give me cough medicine. Finally today I'm am better.:)

Took medicine until 26th.

Friday, October 21, 2011

minchamps reading

This is a little backdated.I've stopped going to GUG and started my new class at mind champs reading last is more fun and I learn more new things there.cAnt wait for the next lesson.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

fever,cough and flu

I'm sick:(. I started coughing badly on Tuesday night.on Wednesday morning,mummy brought me to see dr cheung.I started my fever in the morning,and throughout the night I my fever rose and dipped. Today I'm still having a fever.coughing quite badly still..I don't like being sick

Monday, October 17, 2011

My birthday celebrations!

12th October
I celebrated my birthday in school today.I wore a pretty dress to school instead of my uniform.mummy sent me to school first,then she went to pick up my cake and bring the goodie bags and piñata,

Mummy came around 11am and I was so excited! Daddy had to tie the piñata to the ceiling.then the games started. All of us a a go at hitting,but it still would not break, ms Marlissa had to cut it open a bit,but it still would not break,so with mummy's help I managed to break it open and all the sweets fell out(daddy and me helped to stuff the piñata with sweets). All my friends rushed to grab the sweets. Then my friends sang the birthday song for me and I cut the cake.the cake was yummy. Then it was time to give out the goodie bags.

I had such a fun time at my pArty.

15th October
Today after ballet,we had my birthday lunch with por por,kong kong,jiu jiu and aunty cake was fantastic, it was a mixture of Animal cupcakes surrounding a round cAke.yummy!

I am a big girl now.I'm 5 years old!