Monday, June 18, 2012

Cable car and my new pet!

Daddy bought me a hamster yesterday.i was extremely happy!we named him Milo.i love to play with him.we had to buy a cage and other accessories for it too. I have been wanting to go on a cable car for a long time and finally I went today!i went with mummy,por por and kong kong.i was abit scared at first but it was not scary after was really hot in the car as there was no air on.we stopped at the Imbiah station in sentosa and walked around abit. We had lunch at one of the restaurants there. After lunch we took the cable car back to Singapore.this time we took a car that had no stickers on so i could see more of the was such a fun day.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The beach and Singapore Flyer!!

Ok so I wanted to go to the beach again for a long time, and finally mummy and por por brought me there!we sat on the ledge facing the sea for awhile cos it was abit sunny. The decided to go nearer to the sand as I wanted to build was quite fun.then mummy brought me closer to the water edge to let my feet touch the water.i was scared at first but then I became more brave and was not scared. 4 June Today we initially wanted to ride on the cable car but the weather was cloudy and raining so mummy decided to bring me to the Singapore Flyer.i was very excited to go on it as every time I pass the flyer I would ask mummy what that was.when we got there, we heard an announcement saying that due to bad weather the flyer would cease operation for while. Luckily after 10 mins we could go was so exciting we had to jump onto the capsule while it was still moving and that was abit scary.i was not scared even when the flyer reached the highest point,mummy was abit scared though. After that we went for lunch at one of the restaurants there. Had so much fun the last 2 days!