Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bye Bye bedok reservoir view!

Today is the last night that we are staying at our flat.from tomorrow onwards for the next 2 years we will be staying at nai nai's house while waiting for our new condo to be quite sad but also happy cos this flat is very noisy and I'm excited to moe in to our new flat. Mummy and daddy have been packing up the house for a few weeks already.mummy is quite sad but daddy is happy to be moving out.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Baptism day"

Today I was baptized and my baptism name is Brielle.we had a private baptism with father Greg at OLPS.Auntie Melissa is my godmother and Jiu Jiu is my very happy that I'm now a catholic.both my godparents gave me a cross pendent.:)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

kids Kumpong

Daddy brought me to Kids Kumpong during my school holidays.i was really excited cos I had been telling daddy that I wanted to catch fish. when we reached there we were given a bucket and a small net to catch the fish and also 4 packetd of feed.the fish were really hard to catch and kept swimming very fast when they saw us.daddy only managed to catch 2 fish while I caught about pretty good at this!mummy wasn't so good and didn't catch any. Then we proceeded to the farm animals,there were geese,rabbits,chickens,huge koi fish. It was extremely smelly there so we quickly finished feeding the animals and left. We were able to bring home the fish we caught and also had free ice cream.i had lots of fun and would love to go again!