Monday, July 29, 2013

My 3rd tooth dropped today!

The other day while I was eating some cherries, I accidentally bit the seed and the tooth next to my adult tooth was loose. I didn't think much about it til a few weeks later when I was brushing my teeth. That tooth felt really shaky and I told mummy about it. The next day, the tooth became more shaky and after I had my dinner, my tooth fell out! Boy was I excited cos then the tooth fairy would come at night.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Ice skating

On the last week of the holidays,mummy brought me to wherever I wanted to go,and that was ice skating!! In the beginning it was so scary, mummy was skating behind me to prevent me from falling,after 1 round I got the hand of it and was more daring and able to balance. I want to go back again and this time with daddy!

June school holidays!

So excited to start my June holidays. These are the activities planned for the holidays. - going to my friend Katherine's house and to have a playdate. - going for a staycation at MBS hotel. - Perth! Lets talk about the mot exciting one! 14-19/6 Perth Friday- got up really early to catch our flight at 7.55 am. I love the sit on aero planes! I had fun in the plane and watched movies ate snacks mummy brought etc..We reached perth around 1pm and daddy went to collect our rental car, then He drove to our hotel to check in.we stayed at the same hotel as last time Adina Executive it was late night shopping in the city,we shopped around for awhile before having dinner at the food court.I really love the cold weather in Perth,during the day it's 19 degrees,at night it goes down to 10 degrees. We had the 1 bedroom apartment again and it was so nice! I love the hotel. It was big enough for me to to run around and play inside. Saturday- today we drove to The Maze family fun park.I played miniature golf with daddy, sat on the swings and went on the maze.we saw some kangaroos too. Then we went shopping at carousel shopping centre.for dinner we bought back food to have our dinner at our hotel. As we woke up very early, I was quite tired by the night. Sunday- we went to Cuddly Animal Farm again ( we went there last time and i loved it ) The first thing i did, which i wasnt that excited about was to feed the lambs. These lambs were a hungry bunch. They would be kept behind a fence and we were told to hold the milk bottles, when the keeper opened the gare, the lambs would charged towards us. Tnat was pretty scary. They were sp strong that mummy or daddy had to help me to hold the bottle. I also fed the hamsters,chickens and other farm animals there.I also sat on the pony,it was really fun,I love to feed the turkeys and chickens.after that we went for lunch at this horrible resturant that mummy didnt like. then had icecream too.after that we went to garden city shopping centre to shop. Monday- today I wanted to go to the zoo,it was a really nice place!i saw so many animals and even got to feed the giraffe! After that we went shopping at Perth city and went north bridge ( which is perth's Chinatown) for dinner. Tuesday- today we went to Kings park,where there is a huge playground,I love running around there,then we went sho Ping again, Wednesday- our last day in Perth, we didn't have much time so we just walked around the city till it was time to go to the airport. I really miss Perth.