Saturday, September 11, 2010

Jurong Birdpark!

Went to Jurong Birdpark with mummy and daddy on saturday. We reached at 9.30am cos daddy wanted to beat the crowd...mummy was hoping for a cloudy day so it would not get so hot...and her wish came true..the sky was threatening to rain, it was thundering. Daddy told us to hurry and walk around and look at the birds quick in case it rains. Luckily it didnt rain and the weather was so cooling

I saw so many different types of birds, first we saw flamingos- bright orange in colour! then we went to the darkroom where the owls were, i was abit scared as I couldnt see properly so daddy carried me.

We went into the avery where we could feed the lorry's but mummy didnt want to as she was scared the birds would poo on her hand.hahah.

We took the train around the park as we wanted to rest our feet. We were on the way to the exit when we realised that it was time for the bird show so we went to get seats..the show was fun and exciting. The most exciting part was mummy allowed me to pick a gift from the souvenier shop..i choose a big pink flamingo soft toy:)

I had lots of fun today and an added bonus was the cooling and cloudy weather.

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