Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Xmas!

I had such a wonderful xmas! stayed at home on fri and sat. We went to daddy's friend's house for a xmas party, then after that we went to por por's house for dinner. I didnt nap in the afternoon so was quite tired after dinner.Mummy let me open 2 presents after dinner, i choose to open the cat and elephant toy:)

On xmas day, i was so excited as there were many presents waiting for me to open. I had to wake daddy up before i could open all the presents. Then we went to por por's house and opened even more presents:) We went for lunch with Ah tai and all. and i had even more presents to open there! so happy!

On sunday we went to Ion with daddy and mummy. Had lunch at the japanese resturant at Isetan scotts. It was so crowded at Ion as there were post Xmas sales everywhere.

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