Monday, February 14, 2011


Went to the doctor on 3rd feb and was diagnosed with Influenza. Was given tamiflu. My fever has been going up and down since thursday. Mummy and daddy has to wake up every 2 hrs to give me medicine and check on me. I felt so horrible so i kept waking up to cry in the middle of the night.

On sun i started coughing real badly, every minute i would cough. Even at night i coughed so i couldnt sleep at all:( Sunday i was still coughin but not every min, so i could get some rest. My temperature still goes up and down. daddy had to insert the suppository when my fever was 39.:( By wednesday, i was still running a temperature so we went to the doc again. Doc said i could have gotten 2 viruses thats why i wasnt better. So he gave me another dose of antibiotics:(

Today im m uch better:) finally the fever is gone!

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