Thursday, September 29, 2011

acute stomach flu

On Monday 26th September,I went home after school as usual.suddenly I felt a pain in my tummy around 3pm.then a little later I threw p all over nai nai:(. When mummy came around 4pm I was still in pain.then I continued to throw up every 45mins:(. Por por came with us to the doctor,luckily cos I continued to throw up in the car.

At the doctors I still threw up even after the nurse gave me a suppository to stop the vomit. This continued all the way till about said if I didnt stop throwing up,I would have to go hospital for a drip.luckily por por made me sleep And I didn't wAke up to throw up.por por stayed over with us and slept where daddy sleeps.

Doctor said no food and liquid for the time being cos he wants me to stop throwing up,anyway i didn't feel like eating.

I never felt so horrible before:(.but mummy said I ws a good girl cos i didn't whine too much.

On Tuesday I still felt weak and nauseated and couldn't eat much. On Wednesday felt bait better and could eat more.I'm on my way to recovery!

Today I started having cough and flu:( but good news is I have my appetite back!

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