Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mummy left me in the class by myself today and i cried and cried nonstop.:( all the other friends in class were staring at me but I still refused to stop.

I accidentally pee pee in my pants cos i was crying and forgot to tell teacher that I want to pee, luckily mummy brought an extra pair of pants for me.

I hope i get used to school soon :(

Monday, February 22, 2010

First day of school

Its my first day of school. Mummy and daddy came to pick me at 8.30am. I was abit scared going into school as there were so many kids. Breakfast was cornflakes and milk but i didnt eat as i was abit nervous of the new environment. I cried abit at first as i was afriad of all the new people there.

Mummy thought me where the toilet was and how to use the soap.

The first class was mandarin class. I couldnt really pay attention as i was noticing my new environment. Teacher tried to engage me in the lesson but after awhile i got bored and walked around the class. Mummy was angry at me for walking around.

Next was english class. We learnt about crysenthanum flower today.

Lunchtime! i ate lunch myself..rice, vegetables and mince meat. Yummy.

Daddy came to pick us at 12.30pm.

From tomorrow onwards, i will be going school later at 9pm and daddy will come at 12pm

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Today i cried in music class :( mummy was sitting outside and i was fine..until teacher closed the door and i couldnt contain my tears. Mummy was so angry with me cos i cried so loudly.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fun at the beach

Daddy and mummy brought me to the beach yesterday. Havent been to the beach in awhile so was very excited. We brought a spade,bucket and a ball. Daddy made sandcastles for me but i kept smacking it down with my hands :P.

Daddy pointed out the many planes that flew by, which was 1 every 2 mins :)

Picked some seashells to bring home.

It was a fun day at the beach :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Had a fantastic chinese new year with mummy and daddy. We went visiting on the 1st day to daddy's relatives and mummy's grandma. I received alot of ang pows:) Tua Yi bought me a pretty pink dress that i wore on the 1st day which i was very reluctant to take out.

On the 2nd day we went for lunch at clarke quay with mummy's relatives. The lunch was yummy:)

Nai nai let me try some barbeque pork, which i love. Mummy told me not to eat it everyday as it is heaty.

I've been a good girl these few days cos i have been pooing daily:) mummy is so happy with me.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Daddy is not travelling till March...yippee! more time with him.

Chinese New Year is approaching real soon. Will be staying at home the whole weekend with mummy and daddy. so happy!

Went for Auntie Lynette's church rehersal on Tuesday. I held Jie jie Yvette's hand and we walked down the aisle. Hope I am brave enough to do this on the day of the wedding.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Daddy has been away since last thurs. Spent a very fun weekend with mummy and por por. Por por went to class with us and before always we will have lunch at the japanese resturant. I love the rice there:)

Mummy's birthday was last wednesday. Daddy gave her flower and a cake:) We went to Peek-a-boo at kallang. It is an indoor playground, my very first time at an indoor playground. As it was the weekday, we were the only ones there. It was such good fun. I was hesistant to go up by myself but after a few times with daddy and mummy, i went up by myself.

My cough is finally better now :), just a few more satchets of meds to go.

Mummy postponed the date of school to 22 Feb cos i was still not feeling too good over the weekend.

I miss daddy alot.