Monday, February 22, 2010

First day of school

Its my first day of school. Mummy and daddy came to pick me at 8.30am. I was abit scared going into school as there were so many kids. Breakfast was cornflakes and milk but i didnt eat as i was abit nervous of the new environment. I cried abit at first as i was afriad of all the new people there.

Mummy thought me where the toilet was and how to use the soap.

The first class was mandarin class. I couldnt really pay attention as i was noticing my new environment. Teacher tried to engage me in the lesson but after awhile i got bored and walked around the class. Mummy was angry at me for walking around.

Next was english class. We learnt about crysenthanum flower today.

Lunchtime! i ate lunch myself..rice, vegetables and mince meat. Yummy.

Daddy came to pick us at 12.30pm.

From tomorrow onwards, i will be going school later at 9pm and daddy will come at 12pm

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