Saturday, December 3, 2011

KL and Malacca trip

We went to kl and malacca from 26th-30th November.

I woke up very early on 26th nov,thursday cos we were leaving at 7am.Daddy drove all the way to the hotel in kl.As we were upgraded,our hotel room was very modern and nice. Daddy took me to the indoor playground,while mummy shopped. Then we met up and went shopping somemore.The next day we went to another new shopping centre and shopped even more!

On Monday we left after breakfast to go to Malacca, it was a 2hour drive. We stopped by Afamosa animal safari first. There were not many animals there and daddy had to queue up very long to buy tickets, but i got to ride on and elephant with daddy 2 times! and got an elephant soft toy.

Then we headed for malacca. the hotel room was huge!we went shopping for abit then ate peranakan food at the hotel.

On Tuesday it wasnt a good day for me as i got diarrhoe:( I lao sai almost every hour and had bad tummy cramps. Luckily i had a pram to sit on.

On wednesday, daddy drove back to singapore after breakfast.

Although i wasnt feeling too well in malacca i still enjoyed myself:)

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