Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Hotel stay again!

Mummy and me stayed at Goodwood park hotel again yesterday.kong kong and por por also stayed there for their anniversary.We all had a room upgrade and we got a nice suite,with a living room:) it was so nice and big! When we arrived we had a quick lunch at the coffee house.then I wanted to swim,so por por swam with me.after swimming we did a bit of shopping at far east.then we went home to get ready for dinner.jiu jiu and aunty Charlene joined us,we had dinner at the coffee house as the weather was not too good. After dinner me and mummy went back to the room to enjoy the room.we played and I slept abit late as we were enjoying ourselves. In the morning we had breakfast at the coffee lounge again.after that me and por por went to rest in the room while mummy went shopping. Por por brought me swimming,then I had a bubble bath,mummy put so much liquid inside the bath that there were so many bubbles :) It was such an enjoyable stay,oh and I can hold the swimming board and kick by myself already:)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Gardens by the bay

Today mummy surprised me in the morning by telling me that we are going to Gardens by the bay.i have been asking mummy and daddy to bring me there for months.finally I get to go. Mummy bought tickets to the 2 domes Cloud Forest and FLower dome.we went to cloud forest first and at the entrance I was already abit scared cos we were faced with a huge waterfall!the mist was spraying everywhere and luckily mummy had an umbrella so she shielded us.we went one cloud walk where we were at the highest floor of the dome,it was really nice as we could see the sea and the whole dome. Next we went to the Flower dome where we were amazed at all the beautiful flowers around.it was so colorful and smelled so nice inside. After the 2 domes I asked mummy if we could sit the buggy,so we did.it took us on a tour around the gardens.luckily for that as it was way too hot to walk around. I am glad that mummy brought me to Gardens by the bay.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Stay cation at Goodwoodpark hotel (14/12-16/12)

We had a stay cation at Goodwoodpark hotel,it was also daddy's birthday.mummy got us a room upgrade to a very big poolside suite.it had a seperate living room. On Friday after checkin, we walked all the way to Taka to have steamboat buffet.then we went to see th x'mas lights,it was quite nice but so many people around.then we went back to the hotel.daddy and me went swimming in the nice pool at the hotel,I am starting to like swimming now. The next day,we had the buffet breakfast.then we went shopping at CKtangs.after that mummy wanted to shop so me and daddy went back to the hotel to rest first.when she cAme back we went swimming again! On our last day,I wanted to swim again but it was quite cloudy and daddy said the water was too cold.finally after much persuasion,mummy allowed me to swim. It was such a fun stay!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Dropped my 2nd tooth today!

My tooth next to my first drop tooth has been really shaky for a week.i was hoping that the tooth will drop soon.then today I was having lunch at Fairmount hotel with mummy and por por, I was eating broccoli and suddenly por por ask me where my tooth was? It dropped!!and por por found it on my plate! I can't wait for the tooth if fairy to come tonight!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Pierced my ears!!

Finally had my ears pierced on 19/11. I was pretty scared at first but it wasn't that painful. However, I had to have my right ear pierced again as it was not pierced equally as the other ear,I was so scared and cried but luckily I listened to mummy and was brave cos now my ears piercing are equal.


Korea here we come! 8/11 Woke up really early at 5.30am cos we had to get to the airport by 6.30am.i was very excited cos it's been awhile since we sat on an aero plane. The air stewards were very nice and gave me toys and magazines to keep me occupied.the ride was ok. When we touched down, we had to walk awhile to find a taxi.it was pretty cold and luckily I was wearing a thick jacket.we reached the hotel and the room was very nice!there was even a small sink for children in the toilet. After we unpacked abit,we walked around Lotte world shopping centre and had dinner at the food court.we were quite tired so we went back to the room to rest. 9/11 We had breakfast in the hotel and it had so many choices, I had fun choosing my own food.then we went to Lotte World.i sat on the hot air ballon,which was abit scary. Then went on a carousel ride. We went to the folk museum too and had lunch there.then we went to the outdoor section.we bought alot of gifts for me! We went shopping around lotte world after that. 10/11 Today we checked out of the hotel and checked in at Skypark 11 hotel.after putting our things down,we went shopping around myeongdong area.there were alot of people around as it was a saturday. We had dinner around myeongdong.the hotel room was nice too and big! 11/11 Today as it was raining we had breakfast at Paris Baguette.i ate criossont and sausage bread.yummy! Then we went to dongdaemun.it was raining pretty heavily luckily mummy brought umbrellas. 12/11 We had breakfast at Paris Baguette again and i had the same thing as yesterday.i love to sit by the window and watch the nice red leave on the trees sway in the cold breeze.then We went to gyeongbukong palace.it was very cold and windy.it started to drizzle abit so we left and went to Insadong.where we saw all the traditional Korean handicraft,I even had my portrait drawn. 13/11 Today we went shopping again at shinsagae and lotte shopping centre.it was so cold today!mummy was shivering. 14/11 Last day today, we walked around abit at myeongdong to buy last minute makeup for mummy..then we headed to the airport.:(

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dropped my first tooth!!!

My tooth has been loose for the past 3 weeks and finally it dropped today. I was having dinner with daddy and mummy eating sushi and it came out while eating,I didn't even notice that it dropped till mummy told me!im sooo excitd as finally I can be like my classmates. I started my piano with a new teacher today and she is quite nice. 27th September Mummy brought me to the dentist for the first time and I had fun! It was not painful at all.i got a sticker and a certificate of bravery for being such a brave girl.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Staying at nai nai's house

Its been almost 3 weeks since we stayed at nai nai's house.so far it's been ok.just that we have to queue up to use the toilet sometimes.mummy bought a new pink bicycle for me,and last Sunday Daddy and mummy brought me to east coast beach to ride it,it was fun! We are going to Korea from 8-14 November. It's going to be winter there,nice and cold.very excited about that. Mummy put on thicker curtains in front of my bed do at least the sun does not shine at my face in the morning and I can sleep better,

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bye Bye bedok reservoir view!

Today is the last night that we are staying at our flat.from tomorrow onwards for the next 2 years we will be staying at nai nai's house while waiting for our new condo to be ready.im quite sad but also happy cos this flat is very noisy and I'm excited to moe in to our new flat. Mummy and daddy have been packing up the house for a few weeks already.mummy is quite sad but daddy is happy to be moving out.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Baptism day"

Today I was baptized and my baptism name is Brielle.we had a private baptism with father Greg at OLPS.Auntie Melissa is my godmother and Jiu Jiu is my godfather.im very happy that I'm now a catholic.both my godparents gave me a cross pendent.:)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

kids Kumpong

Daddy brought me to Kids Kumpong during my school holidays.i was really excited cos I had been telling daddy that I wanted to catch fish. when we reached there we were given a bucket and a small net to catch the fish and also 4 packetd of feed.the fish were really hard to catch and kept swimming very fast when they saw us.daddy only managed to catch 2 fish while I caught about 5.im pretty good at this!mummy wasn't so good and didn't catch any. Then we proceeded to the farm animals,there were geese,rabbits,chickens,huge koi fish. It was extremely smelly there so we quickly finished feeding the animals and left. We were able to bring home the fish we caught and also had free ice cream.i had lots of fun and would love to go again!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Cable car and my new pet!

Daddy bought me a hamster yesterday.i was extremely happy!we named him Milo.i love to play with him.we had to buy a cage and other accessories for it too. I have been wanting to go on a cable car for a long time and finally I went today!i went with mummy,por por and kong kong.i was abit scared at first but it was not scary after awhile.it was really hot in the car as there was no air on.we stopped at the Imbiah station in sentosa and walked around abit. We had lunch at one of the restaurants there. After lunch we took the cable car back to Singapore.this time we took a car that had no stickers on so i could see more of the scenery.it was such a fun day.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The beach and Singapore Flyer!!

Ok so I wanted to go to the beach again for a long time, and finally mummy and por por brought me there!we sat on the ledge facing the sea for awhile cos it was abit sunny. The decided to go nearer to the sand as I wanted to build sandcastles.it was quite fun.then mummy brought me closer to the water edge to let my feet touch the water.i was scared at first but then I became more brave and was not scared. 4 June Today we initially wanted to ride on the cable car but the weather was cloudy and raining so mummy decided to bring me to the Singapore Flyer.i was very excited to go on it as every time I pass the flyer I would ask mummy what that was.when we got there, we heard an announcement saying that due to bad weather the flyer would cease operation for while. Luckily after 10 mins we could go on.it was so exciting we had to jump onto the capsule while it was still moving and that was abit scary.i was not scared even when the flyer reached the highest point,mummy was abit scared though. After that we went for lunch at one of the restaurants there. Had so much fun the last 2 days!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Stay cation at RWS 20 May-22 May

Mummy decided to have a starvation in sentosa for holidays this time as there was not enough time to go overseas.so after Chinese class on Sunday we checked into the Equarius hotel at RWS. The room was huge and the toilet had 2 sinks, a bathtub,seperate shower and toilet areas. The room was very nice and big. I didn't want to go swimming so I played in the bathtub.it was really fun as I brought some toys to play in the bathtub with me. After playing in the bathtub, we had dinner at rws and then took a stroll or see "songs of the sea". It was a bit loud so I as a it scared.but overall I had fun! The next day we went to universal studios,I didn't really like it as it was super hot. I only sat 3 rides.but daddy bought me lots of toys.after that we went back to the hotel to rest and I played in the bathtub again. We went to Vivo city for dinner. The last day mummy ordered room service for me, eggs and sausages. It was yummy, then por por and kong kong met us for lunch and took us home. I want to go back to the hotel again.

Friday, April 13, 2012

English hi tea and indoor playground

11th April
Today mummy and me went to terminal 3 and went to the indoor playground there.it was fun.i love to play with the balloons.

12th April
to hotel intercontinental for English hi tea with por por and mummy.it was mummy's and my first time.there were cakes,sandwiches and tarts.it was so yummy!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Easter

Mummy had an Easter egg hunt for me in por por 's house.it was fun.i ate some chocolate and sweets too

We will be staying at nai nai's house in July for 2 years while waiting for our new house to be ready.mummy was very sad to sell the old house.i will miss the old house,but am looking forward to the new house,:)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Disney on Ice!

Me,mummy,por por and kong kong went to disney on ice on 15 march during my school holidays.it was the first time I went to see a show so I was extmely excited, I kept counting down the days till Thursday.

Por por bought me a tinker bell necklace and kong kong bought me pop corn to eat. In the beginning of the show I was abit scared of the loud music so I covererd my ears. After awhile I got used to it and stopped covering.it was so enjoyable!i saw all my favourite characters like Cinderella,minnie mouse,sleeping beauty etc.

After the show we went for dinner.

What an enjoyable day!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's day!

Mummy surprised me with a stalk of chocolate flower for V day.:

So far I've been loving going to my new school.there are so many new friends ive made there.

Everyday mummy drops me off at the gate and I go in myself.im a big girl now cos I never cry:)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

New Kindergarten

TOday is my first day at my new kindergarten, Bethesda Katong. I was very excited and abit nervous before i went. Mummy stood behind while we had assembly, then we went up to class and my form teacher Ms Ng gave mummy some instruction sheets before mummy went home. I made some new friends and i am very happy in my new school!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

TOday is Chinese new year!

We went to por por's house early in the morning to pay our respects at 9am.then we went to nai nai's house.We had yummy noodles for my 2nd breakfast. Then we headed to 8th unlce's house followed by Ye Ye's brother's house.I got such a nice surprise when i received a present from them. i got crocs shoes, a tshirt and a nice hair clip.

We had some lunch there before we headed to ah tai's house.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hong kong Disneyland!12-16jan 2012

12th Jan,Thursday
Woke up very early at 4.45am as our flight was at 7.30am.mummy made milk for me to drink.we had to take my antibiotics as I still had the flu.it was so early that the sky was still dark when we left the house.i was very excited to sit on a plane again.we watched movies on the plane to pass the time.i also manage to take a nap. We reached hong kong at 11.30am.it was very cold.luckily mummy bought boots for me to wear and I wore thick jacket. We took at taxi and headed to Hollywood hotel in Disneyland.as we could only check in at 3pm,we took a shuttle bus to Disneyland hotel to have lunch.after checking in at 3pm,we took the shuttle again to Disneyland.it was a long walk to the entrance but enjoyable as the weather was nice and cool.

First, We sat on a train that took us around the park.then we headed to fantasy land
And where we sat on the merry go round.then we went to the Winnie the pooh ride which was quite fun, the cart would bounce up and down just like Tigger would.daddy also sat the dumbo ride with me.itwas pretty cold and it started to drizzle slightly,luckily mummy had the umbrella.we had dinner at the food court and waited for 8pm as we wanted to see the fireworks.the fireworks was amazing,it was so colorful! After that we headed back to the hotel.

Oh we manage to see Donald walking around our hotel and snapped alot of pictures with him.

13th jan,Friday
We had breakfast at the hotel then headed to the park again.we went to the other lands but it didn't excite me.we also saw a 3D movie.i was abit scared so I sat on daddy's lap.i also took lots of pictures with Minnie,Donald,goofy.I wanted to take a picture with Cinderella but we had to come back at 2pm so we had lunch at a cafe and waited till it was time.cinderella was so pretty and nice and asked me alot of questions. We went to adventure land and sat on a boat and we saw alot of animals like elephants etc,they were animated but looked very real.

After that we went to buy lots of goodies like soft toys,clips and clothes for me!

We left the park around3pm and went shopping at city gate.daddy bought lots of things.we had buffet dinner there before heading back to the hotel.

Today we had breakfast at the Enchanted garden where some of the disney characters came to take picture with us.only Mickey,daisy and Pluto were there.then we went to take some pictures at the maze outside.then we checked out and went to Novotel hotel.this hotel was a little smaller than the one at disney but nice and clean. we walk to the MTR station which was quite near and went to ladies market. it was soooo crowded there. most of the shops were selling winter stuff so mummy didnt buy much.we went to this shopping centre called Argle Centre, and we had personalized picture frames made for us. The lady painted me,mummy and daddy on the frames.we went to harbour city after that. It was a huge shopping centre. there was a big toys R Us there where mummy bought me a toy rabbit.

15th Jan,Sunday
Today we had breakfast opposite our hotel. not too bad. Then we went shopping at world trade centre. We also saw the beautiful harbour.Mummy bought some clothes for me at H&M.We also walked ALOT here..daddy and mummy took turns carrying me:)

16th Jan, Monday
Today we are going back to Singapore. We woke up early to have breakfast near the hotel. The weather was very cold and i wore my gloves and scarf. After breakfast we took a cab to the airport. I already miss disneyland and hope to come back again.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

Daddy was on leave again on friday so i didnt go to school:) on sat we went shopping and mummy cooked mee sua for me to eat.yummy! on sunday we had lunch at por por's house. i had chicken drumstick!
on monday, mummy cooked yummy pasta for me for lunch. then we went to Ion for shopping.it was very crowded:(