Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Stay cation at Goodwoodpark hotel (14/12-16/12)

We had a stay cation at Goodwoodpark hotel,it was also daddy's birthday.mummy got us a room upgrade to a very big poolside suite.it had a seperate living room. On Friday after checkin, we walked all the way to Taka to have steamboat buffet.then we went to see th x'mas lights,it was quite nice but so many people around.then we went back to the hotel.daddy and me went swimming in the nice pool at the hotel,I am starting to like swimming now. The next day,we had the buffet breakfast.then we went shopping at CKtangs.after that mummy wanted to shop so me and daddy went back to the hotel to rest first.when she cAme back we went swimming again! On our last day,I wanted to swim again but it was quite cloudy and daddy said the water was too cold.finally after much persuasion,mummy allowed me to swim. It was such a fun stay!

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