Friday, December 21, 2012

Gardens by the bay

Today mummy surprised me in the morning by telling me that we are going to Gardens by the bay.i have been asking mummy and daddy to bring me there for months.finally I get to go. Mummy bought tickets to the 2 domes Cloud Forest and FLower dome.we went to cloud forest first and at the entrance I was already abit scared cos we were faced with a huge waterfall!the mist was spraying everywhere and luckily mummy had an umbrella so she shielded us.we went one cloud walk where we were at the highest floor of the dome,it was really nice as we could see the sea and the whole dome. Next we went to the Flower dome where we were amazed at all the beautiful flowers was so colorful and smelled so nice inside. After the 2 domes I asked mummy if we could sit the buggy,so we took us on a tour around the gardens.luckily for that as it was way too hot to walk around. I am glad that mummy brought me to Gardens by the bay.

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