Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Hotel stay again!

Mummy and me stayed at Goodwood park hotel again yesterday.kong kong and por por also stayed there for their anniversary.We all had a room upgrade and we got a nice suite,with a living room:) it was so nice and big! When we arrived we had a quick lunch at the coffee house.then I wanted to swim,so por por swam with me.after swimming we did a bit of shopping at far east.then we went home to get ready for dinner.jiu jiu and aunty Charlene joined us,we had dinner at the coffee house as the weather was not too good. After dinner me and mummy went back to the room to enjoy the room.we played and I slept abit late as we were enjoying ourselves. In the morning we had breakfast at the coffee lounge again.after that me and por por went to rest in the room while mummy went shopping. Por por brought me swimming,then I had a bubble bath,mummy put so much liquid inside the bath that there were so many bubbles :) It was such an enjoyable stay,oh and I can hold the swimming board and kick by myself already:)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Gardens by the bay

Today mummy surprised me in the morning by telling me that we are going to Gardens by the bay.i have been asking mummy and daddy to bring me there for months.finally I get to go. Mummy bought tickets to the 2 domes Cloud Forest and FLower dome.we went to cloud forest first and at the entrance I was already abit scared cos we were faced with a huge waterfall!the mist was spraying everywhere and luckily mummy had an umbrella so she shielded us.we went one cloud walk where we were at the highest floor of the dome,it was really nice as we could see the sea and the whole dome. Next we went to the Flower dome where we were amazed at all the beautiful flowers around.it was so colorful and smelled so nice inside. After the 2 domes I asked mummy if we could sit the buggy,so we did.it took us on a tour around the gardens.luckily for that as it was way too hot to walk around. I am glad that mummy brought me to Gardens by the bay.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Stay cation at Goodwoodpark hotel (14/12-16/12)

We had a stay cation at Goodwoodpark hotel,it was also daddy's birthday.mummy got us a room upgrade to a very big poolside suite.it had a seperate living room. On Friday after checkin, we walked all the way to Taka to have steamboat buffet.then we went to see th x'mas lights,it was quite nice but so many people around.then we went back to the hotel.daddy and me went swimming in the nice pool at the hotel,I am starting to like swimming now. The next day,we had the buffet breakfast.then we went shopping at CKtangs.after that mummy wanted to shop so me and daddy went back to the hotel to rest first.when she cAme back we went swimming again! On our last day,I wanted to swim again but it was quite cloudy and daddy said the water was too cold.finally after much persuasion,mummy allowed me to swim. It was such a fun stay!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Dropped my 2nd tooth today!

My tooth next to my first drop tooth has been really shaky for a week.i was hoping that the tooth will drop soon.then today I was having lunch at Fairmount hotel with mummy and por por, I was eating broccoli and suddenly por por ask me where my tooth was? It dropped!!and por por found it on my plate! I can't wait for the tooth if fairy to come tonight!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Pierced my ears!!

Finally had my ears pierced on 19/11. I was pretty scared at first but it wasn't that painful. However, I had to have my right ear pierced again as it was not pierced equally as the other ear,I was so scared and cried but luckily I listened to mummy and was brave cos now my ears piercing are equal.


Korea here we come! 8/11 Woke up really early at 5.30am cos we had to get to the airport by 6.30am.i was very excited cos it's been awhile since we sat on an aero plane. The air stewards were very nice and gave me toys and magazines to keep me occupied.the ride was ok. When we touched down, we had to walk awhile to find a taxi.it was pretty cold and luckily I was wearing a thick jacket.we reached the hotel and the room was very nice!there was even a small sink for children in the toilet. After we unpacked abit,we walked around Lotte world shopping centre and had dinner at the food court.we were quite tired so we went back to the room to rest. 9/11 We had breakfast in the hotel and it had so many choices, I had fun choosing my own food.then we went to Lotte World.i sat on the hot air ballon,which was abit scary. Then went on a carousel ride. We went to the folk museum too and had lunch there.then we went to the outdoor section.we bought alot of gifts for me! We went shopping around lotte world after that. 10/11 Today we checked out of the hotel and checked in at Skypark 11 hotel.after putting our things down,we went shopping around myeongdong area.there were alot of people around as it was a saturday. We had dinner around myeongdong.the hotel room was nice too and big! 11/11 Today as it was raining we had breakfast at Paris Baguette.i ate criossont and sausage bread.yummy! Then we went to dongdaemun.it was raining pretty heavily luckily mummy brought umbrellas. 12/11 We had breakfast at Paris Baguette again and i had the same thing as yesterday.i love to sit by the window and watch the nice red leave on the trees sway in the cold breeze.then We went to gyeongbukong palace.it was very cold and windy.it started to drizzle abit so we left and went to Insadong.where we saw all the traditional Korean handicraft,I even had my portrait drawn. 13/11 Today we went shopping again at shinsagae and lotte shopping centre.it was so cold today!mummy was shivering. 14/11 Last day today, we walked around abit at myeongdong to buy last minute makeup for mummy..then we headed to the airport.:(