Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Xmas!

I had such a wonderful xmas! stayed at home on fri and sat. We went to daddy's friend's house for a xmas party, then after that we went to por por's house for dinner. I didnt nap in the afternoon so was quite tired after dinner.Mummy let me open 2 presents after dinner, i choose to open the cat and elephant toy:)

On xmas day, i was so excited as there were many presents waiting for me to open. I had to wake daddy up before i could open all the presents. Then we went to por por's house and opened even more presents:) We went for lunch with Ah tai and all. and i had even more presents to open there! so happy!

On sunday we went to Ion with daddy and mummy. Had lunch at the japanese resturant at Isetan scotts. It was so crowded at Ion as there were post Xmas sales everywhere.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I have been crying everyday since last Monday when i go to school. Mummy asked to teacher what happened in school? I dont want to join the concert and Im afraid when teacher scold me. Mummy explained to me that im not in the concert anymore.

I have been having a cold since last fri:(

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Daddy went to china this week. On monday, mummy brought me to Parkway to sit on the little car buggy cum trolley. It was so fun! I want to sit on it everytime i go Parkway :)

The past 2 days i have been crying when mummy drop me off at school... hmmm. Mummy ask me why i cry and i tell her cos i want her to stay with me.

Monday, November 15, 2010


We went to Perth from 4th-9th November. I had so much fun!

4th- Thursday
Mummy woke me up at 6am so that i could be ready to leave by 6.45am. When she said "Meagan wake up, time to take the aeroplane" I jumped out of bed cos i was so excited. We had breakfast at the airport as our plane was at 9am. I kept asking mummy if we were going on the plane. Finally we boarded the plane and it was so exciting. I got my own seat on the plane. The journey took 5.5 hours. I got a nice goody bag on the plane to keep me occupied. I could watch as many cartoons as i wanted on my personalised tv. I even managed to sleep for 1.5 hours. Mummy was relieved as this was when she could have some quiet time and watch some movies.

We reached perth around 2.30pm and we took a cab to our service apt. The apt was so nice, it had a bedroom,kitchen and living room. I was happy running around. After putting our luggage down, we walked around the city forawhile. We got tired and decided to buy some groceries and dinner and head back to the hotel to rest. I had chinese food bought from a cafe next to the hotel.

5th- Friday
We lef t the hotel about 9.30am to catch the free bus to collect our rental car. We had to walk quite far to the busstop. The car was nice and big. The daddy drove us to the Swan Valley Cuddley Farm. I touched the guinea pigs, fed them too. I could also feed the chickens, lamas,horses and cows. I also bottle fed the baby lambs, they were so hungry.

After the farm we went to Black swan cafe to eat. It was beautiful as the resturant faced the vineyards.Then we went to the Mondo Nougart Factory and Margaret River Chocolate Factory. Mummy bought lots to give to Kong kong and for daddy. i was so tired that i fell asleep in the car on the way home.We had dinner at the food court in the city.

Today we went to Kings' Park in the morning to play in Synergy Playground. I was so happy running around with Daddy. We had lunch at the cafe there, i had yummy eggs and bread.

Then we went to Harbourtown Shopping centre, where mummy bought lots of clothes for me and herself.

Ater that we went to Westfield Carousel shopping centre. And it was HUGE! by this time i was pretty tired so i was abit grouchy.For dinner we had japanese food.Yummy.

We went to Fremantle market today. Not much to see at the markets, mummy brought some fruits.It is a little town near to the sea and its a fishing port. We had lunch at Khailis fish and chips. i love french fries!:). Then daddy drove to Caversham Wildlife park. I got to feed the kangaroos and even pat them. Most of them were sleeping and didnt look interested. I saw how sheep were sheared and also took pictures with a huge wombat:) We went to take pictures of koala bears. They were clinging onto the eucalyptus plant.

We went to Northbridge, which is chinatown to have yummy dinner.

Today we went back to Westfield Carousel to do some shopping. Before that we dropped by Kings' Park again and played there for awhile. Then to the city for some last minute shopping. Daddy bought lots of soft toys for me. i got a kangaroo, koala bear, wombat,platapus,lamb and a unicorn. Im so happy:)

Today we are going back to singapore. We left for the airport at 10am. We had lunch at the airport. I had mummy's favourite food and Red Rooster :) The it was time to board the plane. Due to the volcanic ash that was from the volcano eruption in Indonesia, the plane had to detour to darwin, thus it took an extra 2 hours to get to singapore. By time we reached back it was already 8pm.

I want to go back to Perth as i already miss it.:)

Monday, November 1, 2010

We are going Australia in 3 days time! yipeeeeee!!!!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oh no im having a cold again! mummy is going to bring me to the doctor tomorrow :(

Monday, October 18, 2010

Daddy bought me a cradle for my baby on saturday! so happy!!!

We went for Por por's bday dinner on Sunday. the food was very yummy:)

Mummy went to buy some thermal wear for me for Perth..just in case it gets cold.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pre Birthday Celebration

Went for my pre birthday celebration with Por Por,Kong Kong, Jui Jui, Auntie Charlene and Mummy and Daddy. We went to eat dim sum buffet after my ballet class. I had soo many presents, playdough cake making set, sticker making set and a Hello Kitty rice cooker play set! sooo exited and happy!

Daddy play the playdough with me and taught me how to use it while mummy looked on as she didnt want to get her hands dirty.

Im still having a cold...hope i will recover soon :(

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mummy took me to the doctor today as im still having cold since 20th Sept. The doctor gave me a new cold meds to take and said if by Monday im still having cold, he will give me antibiotics.

Why oh why havent i recovered yet!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Childrens' Day!

We were allowed to wear our party clothes to school today as it was childrens' day. I choose the dress myself and Teacher Marlissa said i was very pretty :) We had a party and the teachers' bought snacks and goodies for us to bring home. I had a great time!

Daddy is off to China today...back on sunday.:(

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Today is the Mooncake festival or Lantern festival. I made 2 lanterns and a mooncake in school! Mummy was so proud of them and said they were so beautiful:). We are going to light lanterns today once it gets dark.yipee!

Having the flu now for the past 2 days:(

Monday, September 20, 2010

Had a fun stay with mummy and daddy last week. Nai nai went msia so i stayed at home from tuesday till sun, with sat in por por's house.

Went for ballet and phonics class on the weekends as usual. From next week onwards we are going to do jazz in ballet class...cant wait!

Monday, September 13, 2010


A little back dated post as i totally forgot about this. Went to peek-A-B00 last thursday with Auntie Melissa and Amber and Ashley. Auntie Mel (lets call her that) was very friendly, was trying to play with the twins but they were abit shy. So i played by myself in the indoor playground. I had lots of fun playing with the balls, doll house and swing. I didnt dare to venture up as I was abit afraid and there were alot of children around too.

Then we had lunch at Pasta Mania. I had meatball pasta and pizza. It was yummy:)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Jurong Birdpark!

Went to Jurong Birdpark with mummy and daddy on saturday. We reached at 9.30am cos daddy wanted to beat the crowd...mummy was hoping for a cloudy day so it would not get so hot...and her wish came true..the sky was threatening to rain, it was thundering. Daddy told us to hurry and walk around and look at the birds quick in case it rains. Luckily it didnt rain and the weather was so cooling

I saw so many different types of birds, first we saw flamingos- bright orange in colour! then we went to the darkroom where the owls were, i was abit scared as I couldnt see properly so daddy carried me.

We went into the avery where we could feed the lorry's but mummy didnt want to as she was scared the birds would poo on her hand.hahah.

We took the train around the park as we wanted to rest our feet. We were on the way to the exit when we realised that it was time for the bird show so we went to get seats..the show was fun and exciting. The most exciting part was mummy allowed me to pick a gift from the souvenier shop..i choose a big pink flamingo soft toy:)

I had lots of fun today and an added bonus was the cooling and cloudy weather.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Went to a new class called GUG on sunday. I will learn many things like how to read and write in that glass. My teacher's name is Teacher Kumalan and she is very nice.

I was abit afraid to enter the class at first, but after much encourgement from Mommy i went in...and i didnt cry! Mommy was sooo proud of me. Another parent even commented to mommy that i was so adaptable cos i didnt cry :)

Daddy signed me up for the class after seeing how much i enjoyed it.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Nai nai went for holiday in China for 10 days, so i stayed with mummy and daddy. had a blast with them. everynight mummy will read books to me and daddy will teach me some educational computer games.

After school mummy would buy me yummy snacks to eat before nap time. My fave is the japanese meatballs.Mummy cooked dinner for me everyday and i loved eating her food pasta, meesua, yummy corn soup.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Spent 3 whole days in por por's house because it was national Day on monday. We didnt go out much except for lunch with jui jui on sunday. We had Dimsum and i loved the food! yummy!

Daddy is coming home tonight and im very excited cos i miss him very much :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

I have this new obssession with the picture of me dressed in cinderella costume. I must look at it everyday together with my Princess magazine. I will ask mummy and daddy which costume I like along with which accessory. :)

Went to tampines with por por and mummy on saturday. We had lunch at Soup resturant. the food there is very yummy :)

Daddy bought me a new scooter! I wanted the pink colour but it was sold out so I choose the orange one. Im abit unsteady on it but soon I will be a pro and be zipping around:)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Excursion time!

Today I had my first excursion to the Botanic Gardens with my schoolmates. Mummy went with me. It was also my first time on a big bus.

Mummy made sure i was sprayed all over with mosquitoe repellant.

First we went to the maze and then we went on the shaky bridge, i was quite scared,luckily mummy was holding on to me tightly.

Then we went on this huge playground. I climbed up the stairs myself and slide down the big slide all by myself! mummy was so proud.

Then we had a picnic under this big shelter and ate hotdog buns,cheese and grapes.

It was such a fun time at the gardens:)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Went to daddy's cousin's wedding on sat. All the photographers there were busy snapping away at me cos i looked so pretty in my white dress.

Mummy signed me up for a new ballet class in suntec, Jody Marshall dance studio. I like this class better as we learn proper ballet steps. the teacher showed us some steps and i was so excited to go first. mummy was so proud of me as i didnt cry when i went in alone :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Went to my great grandma's birthday on sat. This was the first time that i was out so late. Went home at 12.30am. I was still quite awake and didnt sleep in the car. It was quite fun as i got to eat delicious food and saw an acapella performance :)

The ballet centre didnt call us to inform us that the class was cancelled, so i was all dressed up in my tutu and went there. Mummy got so angry with the girl there as they didnt even inform us.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Went for the trial ballet class at siglap on sun. Mummy went in with me. I enjoyed the class so mummy signed me up for it. I want to wear the pretty pink costume too so mummy will be buying those for me.

I cried when mummy was leaving school today :( think its the monday blues.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mummy has been searching for enrichment classes for me to attend. She is considering phonics, chinese and ballet. Will be going for ballet trial class tomorrow. Im so excited because i want to be able to dance just like Angelina Ballerina!:)

Mummy has been teaching me the various positions for ballet. I know the 1st position, 2nd position...and also how to pirouette :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Having runny nose over the weekend so I didnt go to school today. I also developed a cough:( Nonetheless, i had a great weekend with mummy and daddy.

Mummy said that i was a good girl cos when i wanted to eat cheese and drink yacult, mummy said no until i got better and i listened to her without making a fuss :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Its been a good week!

Mummy called up the principal to report that Matthew scratched my finger. so now the playground time has been changed to later and my class will have outdoor alone and the K1 and K2 will have outdoor time with the younger kids. Im happy bcos i wont get to see that boy and he wont be scaring me during that time anymore:)

Mummy and daddy went for PTC this week. Teacher said I have improved in school alot...however my confidence is still not high...can be improved with time :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Last friday that bully squeezed my shoulders! He is getting on my nerves! Mummy wanted to complain to the principal again but decided against it. Daddy wants to talk to th e parents of the boy if the boy continues to haress me.

Today we finally had waterplay in school. I loved to play with the hose and also i layed down in the pool and my frens stepped on my feet! It was fun :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

An unwelcomed Kiss from a bully!

Yesterday that horrid boy matthew kissed me on the cheek! The chinese and english teacher was not around so a relief teacher was looking after the class. I told mummy about it in the car and she was so angry.

She went to talk to the Principal about it. Daddy was furious also.

Monday, May 31, 2010

It was my last music lesson on saturday. I enjoyed this class but its getting abit boring for me.Mummy is finding a different class for me to join next week:)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Daddy came home already! yeah! was so happy to see him. Finally we can go out as a family again...really miss that.

Daddy picked me up from school on Mon and Tue :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Beginning to like school now :) Mummy is so proud of me!

Mummy bought me a doctor's kit to play with. And im loving it! Everynight I will do a check up for all my soft toys to make sure that they are feeling fine:)

Daddy is coming home soon :) yeah i miss him alot.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

This week has been a good week at school:) Mummy is so proud of me because i can now wave bye bye to her and go into school without crying:).

That boy has still been disturbing me but not I can say "Stop Matthew!"

Teacher told mummy that i can now colour within the boundary somewhat, a huge improvement from last time. And i also have more control of my hands when i am trying to write :)

Oh another exciting thing happened in school....i made a "mothers' day" card for mummy in both chinese and english. The chinese version is made out of a yacult bottle and i decorated it to look like mummy:). The english version is a card where I drew mummy's face :). I was so excited to give it to mummy and she was so happy to receive it

Monday, May 10, 2010

Had a great sunday celebrating Mother's day with Mummy,daddy,por por and the rest of the family having lunch at Conrad hotel's dim sum.

I didint cry at school today! Mummy was so prpoud of me :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wearing my pretty uniform dress to school:)

A boy from K1 has been taking alot of interest in me since i joined and its unnerving me. He brushed his hand on my face twice and mummy witnessed it and was so angry. Teacher told the mummy of the boy and the mummy was very sorry. Mummy told the teacher to keep the boy away from me. I'm quite scared of the boy as he keeps coming towards me.

Im beginning to enjoy school. I dont cry when mummy sends me to school,only when mummy has to go then I will cry abit.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I was a good girl yesterday...i didnt cry when mummy brought me to school. I even walked up the stairs to class myself without crying :) But when mummy was about to leave, i cried :(

There is a case of HFMD in my class. so i will miss school for a few days just in case.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Had a fantastic weekend with mummy and por por. I was trying to poo on sat night but cant poo...mummy tried to put suppository in my bum but it kept falling the end i slept on mummy's tummy cos my bum was pain from kekking for so long :(

I managed to poo the next day and mummy promised to buy me a toy for being a good girl:)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Back at school for 3 days since i got sick 2 weeks ago...cried when mummy brought me to school as usual :P

There is no school tomorrow as teacher told mummy there was an excursion to the farm last minute and mummy thought since I have not recovered fully, its better I dont go to the farm. Yeah for no school :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

No school for a few days as I'm having flu,cough and sorethroat. Mummy and kong kong brought me to the doc on Monday and doc said to avoid school for a few days.

Daddy will be away from tomorrow onwards for 2 and a half weeks. i will miss him alot.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Finally getting used to school. I dont cry at night anymore and i dont cry when mummy takes out my clothes for the next day. Teacher told mummy that my appetite is much better now and im eating much more :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mummy finally bought a monkey soft toy for me! :) have been bugging her for a few weeks to get it for me.

Teacher Marlissa said that i was a good girl in school. I dont pee pee in my pants anymore and mummy is so proud of me.

I am starting to get used to school although i still cry and scream in the mornings:)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Daddy is going away today for 2 weeks and 3 weekends :(. Just when i was getting use to him being around again.

Today mummy came to pick me from school after i had my lunch and i was wondering where she was as she usually comes when lunch is being served. So i cried :( My teachers all said that I was a good girl in school and participated during lesson time :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Finally returned to school last thursday. Was crying nonstop as usual. Yesterday I was crying pretty bad as i missed mummy when i was in school. Today I woke up at 7am to cry as I did not want to go to school. But during lesson time I was ok and managed to listen to teacher. Mummy and daddy came to pick me up and i was so happy to see them at lunch.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I have not been feeling well since last thursday :(. Missed school on thurs and fri. On sat i developed a cold and i wont be going school tomorrow too. Its not fun being sick:(

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mummy left me in the class by myself today and i cried and cried nonstop.:( all the other friends in class were staring at me but I still refused to stop.

I accidentally pee pee in my pants cos i was crying and forgot to tell teacher that I want to pee, luckily mummy brought an extra pair of pants for me.

I hope i get used to school soon :(

Monday, February 22, 2010

First day of school

Its my first day of school. Mummy and daddy came to pick me at 8.30am. I was abit scared going into school as there were so many kids. Breakfast was cornflakes and milk but i didnt eat as i was abit nervous of the new environment. I cried abit at first as i was afriad of all the new people there.

Mummy thought me where the toilet was and how to use the soap.

The first class was mandarin class. I couldnt really pay attention as i was noticing my new environment. Teacher tried to engage me in the lesson but after awhile i got bored and walked around the class. Mummy was angry at me for walking around.

Next was english class. We learnt about crysenthanum flower today.

Lunchtime! i ate lunch myself..rice, vegetables and mince meat. Yummy.

Daddy came to pick us at 12.30pm.

From tomorrow onwards, i will be going school later at 9pm and daddy will come at 12pm

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Today i cried in music class :( mummy was sitting outside and i was fine..until teacher closed the door and i couldnt contain my tears. Mummy was so angry with me cos i cried so loudly.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fun at the beach

Daddy and mummy brought me to the beach yesterday. Havent been to the beach in awhile so was very excited. We brought a spade,bucket and a ball. Daddy made sandcastles for me but i kept smacking it down with my hands :P.

Daddy pointed out the many planes that flew by, which was 1 every 2 mins :)

Picked some seashells to bring home.

It was a fun day at the beach :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Had a fantastic chinese new year with mummy and daddy. We went visiting on the 1st day to daddy's relatives and mummy's grandma. I received alot of ang pows:) Tua Yi bought me a pretty pink dress that i wore on the 1st day which i was very reluctant to take out.

On the 2nd day we went for lunch at clarke quay with mummy's relatives. The lunch was yummy:)

Nai nai let me try some barbeque pork, which i love. Mummy told me not to eat it everyday as it is heaty.

I've been a good girl these few days cos i have been pooing daily:) mummy is so happy with me.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Daddy is not travelling till March...yippee! more time with him.

Chinese New Year is approaching real soon. Will be staying at home the whole weekend with mummy and daddy. so happy!

Went for Auntie Lynette's church rehersal on Tuesday. I held Jie jie Yvette's hand and we walked down the aisle. Hope I am brave enough to do this on the day of the wedding.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Daddy has been away since last thurs. Spent a very fun weekend with mummy and por por. Por por went to class with us and before always we will have lunch at the japanese resturant. I love the rice there:)

Mummy's birthday was last wednesday. Daddy gave her flower and a cake:) We went to Peek-a-boo at kallang. It is an indoor playground, my very first time at an indoor playground. As it was the weekday, we were the only ones there. It was such good fun. I was hesistant to go up by myself but after a few times with daddy and mummy, i went up by myself.

My cough is finally better now :), just a few more satchets of meds to go.

Mummy postponed the date of school to 22 Feb cos i was still not feeling too good over the weekend.

I miss daddy alot.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Have not been feeling well since tuesday:( have fever and sorethroat..having phelgm also. Mummy brought me to see the doctor on tuesday afternoon. It was not the usual doctor but had no choice as mummy didnt want to wait till wed.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Had a fantastic weekend staying at Por Por's house. Daddy is in China again so mummy stayed over too. Mummy bought me many things like new croc shoes for school, small little dog soft toy.

Going to school in 2 weeks time....scared and nervous.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Daddy and mummy was away for a few days last week....they went to Thailand...missed them alot...they bought me alot of clothes and toys when they got back...was so happy.

Mummy bought me a Strawberry shortcake doll smells like strawberries :)

We went to see a new dance studio that teaches Ballet jazz...i love the huge windows in the studio..haha...mummy says she wants to sign me up for it....and i also get to wear the pretty pink leotard.:)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year! Heloo 2010

Had a fantastic new year! Went for Dimsum buffet with Mummy,daddy,porpor,kong kong,jiu jiu and aunti charlene. I ate alot cos the food was so yummy. Went for class today and was so happy to see my friends as we didnt have class last week :)

What's my new year spend more time with daddy and mummy,to have good health and to like my new school :)