Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry Chrismas!

I had 9 presents in before xmas.5 at home and 4 at por por's house. Mummy set up the xmas tree early and i wanted to fill it up with my presents. On xmas eve mummy let me open 1 present. We went for lunch with ah tai and my other relatives at a peranakan resturant at Joo jiat. Then we exchanged presents. i had so many presents! then we went for dinner with da ber,grace and joshua. Then we went home and i opened 1 more present.

On xmas day i was so excited as i could open all my presents. we went to por por's house for lunch:) and had turkey,sausages and mee sua:) then we opened more presents:)

This is the best xmas ever!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

KL and Malacca trip

We went to kl and malacca from 26th-30th November.

I woke up very early on 26th nov,thursday cos we were leaving at 7am.Daddy drove all the way to the hotel in kl.As we were upgraded,our hotel room was very modern and nice. Daddy took me to the indoor playground,while mummy shopped. Then we met up and went shopping somemore.The next day we went to another new shopping centre and shopped even more!

On Monday we left after breakfast to go to Malacca, it was a 2hour drive. We stopped by Afamosa animal safari first. There were not many animals there and daddy had to queue up very long to buy tickets, but i got to ride on and elephant with daddy 2 times! and got an elephant soft toy.

Then we headed for malacca. the hotel room was huge!we went shopping for abit then ate peranakan food at the hotel.

On Tuesday it wasnt a good day for me as i got diarrhoe:( I lao sai almost every hour and had bad tummy cramps. Luckily i had a pram to sit on.

On wednesday, daddy drove back to singapore after breakfast.

Although i wasnt feeling too well in malacca i still enjoyed myself:)

Jiu Jiu's Wedding!

Jiu Jiu's wedding was on 24th November and i was the flower girl!

I was the first to walk down the aisle in church,i was quite nervous because i didnt want to walk to fast. But in the end i did great! mummy and daddy were so proud of me.

In the afternoon i went to nai nai's house to take a nap, while mummy checked in to the hotel first to do her makeup. i was very excited as we were going to stay in Conrad hotel after the dinner.

Daddy brought me to the hotel after my nap and i didnt recognise mummy as she had makeup and did her hair.

Daddy,mummy and myself were colour coordinated ,we all wore shades of grey:)

I liked the hotel room alot.the bed was super huge and they had a teddy bear which i took in the room.

The next day after breakfast,daddy went to work and mummy and me walked around millenia walk for awhile,had lunch and went home.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


WEnt to the zoo today! was so excited!

Went at about 11am and it was already so crowded. luckily the weather was perfect, cloudy and not sunny so didnt feel so hot.

First we sat the tram to the elephant show. we had to stand at the side as it was already packed with people.Then i wanted to ride on the elephants but it wasnt open so we went to have lunch. I had spagetti with meatballs.Then we sat on the tram again and went to the Kids playground.

I sat on a pony, then daddy and myself sat on the merry go round. It was so much fun!

I even had abit of ice cream!

Then we decided to try to see if we could ride the elephants again.

Yes finally we could. we had to queue for quite awhile but it was worth it. Daddy sat with me! i even had picture of the ride as a momento.

I had so much fun at the Zoo!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I've been going to por por's house this week.she bought me a new lamp so that I can read and do my work without spoiling my eyes.mummy has been cooking for my yummy dinner everyday.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Fell Sick again

Thank goodness I'm getting better.was down with fever,cough and cold for the past week from 19 oct-24 oct.

Fever started on 19th,and broke on cough got worse after that and on.I kept waking up to cough and cried cos I was scared. On. Sunday it was so bad that I woke up coughing and crying and couldn't breathe and was gasping for breathe.mummy said my mouth turned blue and she got so scared. Mummy has been getting up to give me cough medicine. Finally today I'm am better.:)

Took medicine until 26th.

Friday, October 21, 2011

minchamps reading

This is a little backdated.I've stopped going to GUG and started my new class at mind champs reading last is more fun and I learn more new things there.cAnt wait for the next lesson.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

fever,cough and flu

I'm sick:(. I started coughing badly on Tuesday night.on Wednesday morning,mummy brought me to see dr cheung.I started my fever in the morning,and throughout the night I my fever rose and dipped. Today I'm still having a fever.coughing quite badly still..I don't like being sick

Monday, October 17, 2011

My birthday celebrations!

12th October
I celebrated my birthday in school today.I wore a pretty dress to school instead of my uniform.mummy sent me to school first,then she went to pick up my cake and bring the goodie bags and piñata,

Mummy came around 11am and I was so excited! Daddy had to tie the piñata to the ceiling.then the games started. All of us a a go at hitting,but it still would not break, ms Marlissa had to cut it open a bit,but it still would not break,so with mummy's help I managed to break it open and all the sweets fell out(daddy and me helped to stuff the piñata with sweets). All my friends rushed to grab the sweets. Then my friends sang the birthday song for me and I cut the cake.the cake was yummy. Then it was time to give out the goodie bags.

I had such a fun time at my pArty.

15th October
Today after ballet,we had my birthday lunch with por por,kong kong,jiu jiu and aunty cake was fantastic, it was a mixture of Animal cupcakes surrounding a round cAke.yummy!

I am a big girl now.I'm 5 years old!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

acute stomach flu

On Monday 26th September,I went home after school as usual.suddenly I felt a pain in my tummy around 3pm.then a little later I threw p all over nai nai:(. When mummy came around 4pm I was still in pain.then I continued to throw up every 45mins:(. Por por came with us to the doctor,luckily cos I continued to throw up in the car.

At the doctors I still threw up even after the nurse gave me a suppository to stop the vomit. This continued all the way till about said if I didnt stop throwing up,I would have to go hospital for a drip.luckily por por made me sleep And I didn't wAke up to throw up.por por stayed over with us and slept where daddy sleeps.

Doctor said no food and liquid for the time being cos he wants me to stop throwing up,anyway i didn't feel like eating.

I never felt so horrible before:(.but mummy said I ws a good girl cos i didn't whine too much.

On Tuesday I still felt weak and nauseated and couldn't eat much. On Wednesday felt bait better and could eat more.I'm on my way to recovery!

Today I started having cough and flu:( but good news is I have my appetite back!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Have not been updating for some time as mummy has been very busy helping por por pack up her house. Por por is going to renovate her house and there are lots of things to pack.

On 27 August, we had food from the food court after ballet, then i had a trial lesson for piano. i think i want to learn piano now:). After that we went nai nai's house, as we were lying on the bed, i threw up...this is my first time throwing up so badly...i threw up 2 more times. Then mummy and daddy brought me to the A&E to check. Doc said i would be ok but gave me suppository for vommiting just in case. I felt horrible.

On 29 August, daddy took leave and we were planning to go to the zoo, but on our way there, it started to rain so had a change of plans...instead we went to the indoor playground at Kallang. I was just as happy as i have not been there with daddy in a long time.Daddy climbed all the way up with me and played with me. We also did some arts and craft there. After that we went to nai nai's house for lunch. For dinner we went to eat steamboat at takashimaya...yummy.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Riding a Pony!

Happy National Day everyone! Today was a fun afternoon. We went to Whitesands mall to have japanese dinner, then we went to Pasir Ris Park. Initially i only wanted to sit on a bicycle while daddy cycled, but when i saw people riding on a pony i wanted to do that too.

So first i went off with daddy while mummy waited at the cafe for me. After that i sat on the pony. It was abit scary at first as this was my first time, but after awhile i got the hang of it and it was so fun. My hands were hurting abit as i was holding the reins very tightly :) But it was still fun!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Had a bout of fever again:( on July 25 - July 28. I came home from school and felt abit cold. Mummy brought me to the doctor the next day. My fever peaked till 39degrees. Mummy was constantly sponging my head and applied the fever patch for me. I felt horrible those few days.
Mummy would wake up every 3 hours to check on me and give me medicine if my fever went high.

Thankfully on the 3rd day my fever went down and by thursday i was fever free! but i stayed away from school the whole of the week to rest.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Today was fun! After school mummy brought me to Marina Square for shopping and to the indoor playground. It was so fun sliding down the pole at the playground. Mummy bought me a small dog softtoy and a magazine. Then we went to eat crispy pancake, yummy!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Yesterday my school brought us to a play called "Hungry caterpiller and other favourites by Eric Carle". mummy followed me:). I had to wake up very early at 6.30am as we had to assemble in school by 7.15am. It was a long bus journey of about 45mins. There were many children there as well. I enjoyed myself alot but it was a short play.

After the play we went back to school for lunch.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My first Ballet concert!

I had my first ballet concert on 5 June!

But something happened before that which dampened my mood abit. I was in phonics class and i slipped and hit the table. The bridge of my nose is swollen. Mummy was very angry with the teacher as she was so blur and kept giving the wrong information of my fall.

Anyhow, we assembled at the ballet class at 2pm, had a practise run and waited somemore. Then at 4.30pm it was our turn to perform. Mummy was so proud of me. I could remember some of the steps and just followed the teacher when i forgot.:)

It was a fun but tiring day....

Monday, May 9, 2011

Trip to Kuala Lumpur

This is abit backdated...went to KL with mum and dad fron 29/4-2/5.

Friday 29/4
We left the house at 7am.Mummy woke me in the morning with my milk, after drinking we woke daddy and left the house. We were the only car at the causeway which is good as it was a smooth ride, no jam at all. We stopped for awhile at a rest stop where dad ate some nasi lemak, then we continued on our journey. We reached KL at 11.15am. After abit of trouble finding the hotel we finally arrived. We stayed at Renaissance Hotel. Our room was 716 and it was a huge room with a King sized bed! I loved the room as there was alot of space for me to run around.

After check in we went to Berjaya Times Square for lunch, we had chicken rice. Then we went to the indoor theme park to play. I was scared to go on the rides at 1st but after awhile i loved it. Then we shopped around for awhile before heading back to the hotel. We ate buffet at the hotel as all of us were tired from the long journey.

Saturday 30/4
We had breakfast at the hotel's west wing in the morning before taking a cab to Genting highlands. We stopped at the cable car station to take a cable car ride up. It was quite scary getting onto the cable car as it did not stop for us to hop on...we had to just hop on when it was near to us. It was very foggy going up and as we got closer to genting, it got cooler.

We went to the outdoor theme park 1st. I sat 4 rides there and i had lots of fun. Then we stopped for lunch before going on the indoor rides.after shopping around for awhile we took a taxi down to KL. We stopped at KLCC for some shopping. After a quick dinner at a famous Penang resturant we walked back home. It was about 10mins.

Sunday 1/5
Today is shopping day! After breakfast at the east wing (which was more crowded)we took a cab to Sungei Wang plaza in the morning. Mummy bought me lots of toys there. Then we headed to Pavillion shopping centre. It was huge! Daddy bought me some toys there too. After dinner we took a cab home, it was raining heavily so we were lucky to get a cab. I played in the hotel room after that.

Monday 2/5
We are heading home to singapore today. After breakfast we checked out around 10.30am and started our journey home. We stopped at a reststop to buy some goodies before continueing. We reached singapore around 2pm.

I really enjoyed myself in KL...especially the hotel room:)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Daddy has been away in China since last friday. So i've been staying with mummy. We play snakes and ladders every night before i go to bed. Sometimes mummy wins, but most of the time i do:). I dont like to lose and will get unhappy if i do:( but mummy always tells me that its ok to be 2nd sometimes, we cant be winning all the time:). I try to remember what mummy tells me so that i wont be unhappy when she wins:)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Cycling in Pasir Ris Park

Had a fun time with mummy and daddy this weekend! We went to bedock reservoir to walk on saturday mornings. It wasnt very hot so weather was ok. Then i played for awhile at the playground there. After that we went for breakfast at Macdonalds, i had pancakes:) We went to Pasir Ris Park in the evening. There was a stable there and i saw some ponies and horses. Daddy decided that we would go cycling to the beach as i wanted to play in the sand. Mummy was very afraid as she has not cycled in a very long time. We cycled up and down till we saw a nice spot where we could play for awhile. I loved to sit in front of daddy while he cycled and i kept asking him to go faster and faster. We stopped to play in the sand for awhile before heading to Ikea for dinner.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Daddy went to thailand from sunday till thursday for training. So i have been staying at home with mummy. On monday, Mummy brought me to the indoor playground at kallang called Peek-a-boo to play in the morning. Then we wanted to go for lunch at a japanese resturant but it was not opened yet, so we went to the foodcourt to eat. Then we met por por at parkway. We had some icecream and mummy and por por ate a snack. Mummy bought me an elephant and we also did arts and craft:)

Later for dinner, we went to tampines for some japanese food. It was such a fun day today and i really enjoyed myself:)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

heloo! i have been crying most mornings when i go to school and also during lunchtime:( sometimes when we have to use our fork and spoon i get abit frustrated as i cant scope fast enough to eat...i want to be the first to finish my lunch! mummy told me its ok not to always finish first and not to cry during lunch as no one is crying:(

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I have been staying at home since friday cos kaka is not feeling well and mummy and daddy thinks its better for me to stay at home. I love to stay at home. Mummy bought me Snakes and Ladders board game and we have been playing at home every night. I always win! yeah :)

I have been a good girl in school, didnt cry much. so mummy rewarded me with a necklace and a book:)

Monday, February 14, 2011


Went to the doctor on 3rd feb and was diagnosed with Influenza. Was given tamiflu. My fever has been going up and down since thursday. Mummy and daddy has to wake up every 2 hrs to give me medicine and check on me. I felt so horrible so i kept waking up to cry in the middle of the night.

On sun i started coughing real badly, every minute i would cough. Even at night i coughed so i couldnt sleep at all:( Sunday i was still coughin but not every min, so i could get some rest. My temperature still goes up and down. daddy had to insert the suppository when my fever was 39.:( By wednesday, i was still running a temperature so we went to the doc again. Doc said i could have gotten 2 viruses thats why i wasnt better. So he gave me another dose of antibiotics:(

Today im m uch better:) finally the fever is gone!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ging Xi Fa Cai 2011!

Started coughing yesterday morning, by afternoon i was running a fever:( Mummy sponged me and gave me fever meds.

Today Im still having fever and my temperature has gone up to 38.7. Mummy is so worried about me.

Im so tired that i woke up at 9am and took a nap at 2pm. Mummy is so tired too cos she has been up the whole night checking on me.

Hope the fever goes away soon:(

Monday, January 31, 2011

Kong Kong's 70th Birthday!

Kong kong celebrated his 70th birthday on sunday. We went to peach blossom in marina mandarin. Mummy also choose his chocolate birthday cake which he loved. Daddy also compiled a digital photo album of me for him:) For his present mummy booked the Festive hotel at RWS and also the Voyage de la vie show.

I had alot of fun because i could walk around the hotel so i didnt get bored:)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Today i didnt cry in school! mummy asked me to make a card for Ms Marlissa and Guo Lao shi and give it to them today...think she was trying to distract me from the thought of crying..and it worked! she was sooo happy with me.

The last 2 days i have been crying when i went to school:(

Now im officially able to poo poo in the potty! everyone is sooooo proud of me :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Yesterday night mummy told me to sit on the potty and poo..and i did! This morning i also did it in the potty. Mummy is very proud of me! Im a big girl now.

However, when mummy sent me to school today, i cried :( its been like this for the past few weeks. I will try not to cry tomorrow:(

Monday, January 17, 2011

Poo in potty!

Poo in potty!!!! for the 1st time on friday. Mummy was sooo happy with me. Then from fri i kept wanting to poo in potty...pooed 2 times a day.

I caught a cold and cough on tues..mummy brought me to see the doctor on thurs as my voice was hoarse and she was afraid that it was a sore throat..but luckily the doctor said its just the voice box cos of coughing.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!2011

We had dinner at por por house on new year's eve. She cooked chicken curry and meatball soup. I love eating her meatball soup...yummy!

On new year's day we had dim sum buffet lunch at Marina Mandarin. I love going there cos i like looking at the birds hanging in cages outside the resturant.